Church Stuff
A place where we can get together and talk about regular "stuff" that we go through in our day to day life, while doing our best to apply the word of God to those same situations within our lives. We'll get to hear from people just like us dealing with the same stuff!
Podcasting since 2020 • 21 episodes
Church Stuff
Latest Episodes
Obedience Stuff
How many times does the Bible mention obey? What does it mean to obey? Why do we obey? Who do we obey? What do we obey? In this episode we dive into some uncomfortable territory as we look into the meaning behind obedience.
Season 4
Episode 3

Control Stuff
What does it mean to be in control? What is the importance of control? What is the difference between being in control and not being in control? Who is in control of your life? Who should be in control of your life?
Season 4
Episode 2

Resurrection Stuff
What is the real meaning of Resurrection? What happens to the body when we? Is it possible to bring someone back to life after we die? Where have I been all this time? We will discuss that and more on this weeks episode of Church Stuff.
Season 4
Episode 1